The shades that spread on the canvas As the ear gets slashed Aren’t your colors Vincent. Aren’t you making a flagellant of yourself When you scribble your name In the corners of the aberrations that were Borne as the consciousness…

The shades that spread on the canvas As the ear gets slashed Aren’t your colors Vincent. Aren’t you making a flagellant of yourself When you scribble your name In the corners of the aberrations that were Borne as the consciousness…
Why get up at all? What does this day have in store for me? That could bring a smile on my weary face.. A smile reaching my eyes Won’t this day go the same way like yesterday? Or the day…
One man began a journey and soon others joined him The cause was compelling, several more joined in Now, ten of them walked on a path for a common cause There was enthusiasm, there was unbridled passion! The passion got diluted, one…
Lacking was I the universal power For lacking was I, the universe inside me. With nothing to hold on, no reason to feel loved I went on moving away from the world, Since I moved away from me But, something…
Oh, did I hate my scars! I tried covering them They sneered at me Everyone saw through me Hey, this wasn’t the real me The dilemma was killing me! Then one scar gently whispered.. “Please let me see the world…
The dark is so cozy Hides me from prying eyes I am in my own world While the world speeds by No don’t bother about me I’m probably not worth your time Then she says in a whisper Come, come…
This is the story of a beautiful mind Across the oceans you will find. He never shows but his soul is crying Every moment he is slowly dying He tries to hide his emotions Perhaps he is looking for divine…
Where I can take confident, firm strides forward When I have no doubt where I am headed toward Where stigma and ridicule have no place at all When a veil is not needed at all Where bias and prejudice have…
I took one step forward in the shallow water Tentatively seeking the soil beneath my feet The next step took me deeper Was the other side too far across? For swim I cannot, had to trust the water’s depth My…
Renewal follows turmoil Change comes after much toil Whenever I have been through one my darkest phases of life, at that particular time it seems that this is the end of the world. Surely it can’t get worse than this.…