Being an introvert from childhood, I always had only one or two friends. I was teased by other children in school and the neighborhood, which made me more introvert. I became more and more engrossed in my studies. I always…

Being an introvert from childhood, I always had only one or two friends. I was teased by other children in school and the neighborhood, which made me more introvert. I became more and more engrossed in my studies. I always…
Hi! I am Venugopal. I was a brilliant student since my childhood and I always topped the class. I did my B Tech from NIT Warangal, one of the top engineering institutes in India. During my 3rd year of my…
Lacking was I the universal power For lacking was I, the universe inside me. With nothing to hold on, no reason to feel loved I went on moving away from the world, Since I moved away from me But, something…
Oh, did I hate my scars! I tried covering them They sneered at me Everyone saw through me Hey, this wasn’t the real me The dilemma was killing me! Then one scar gently whispered.. “Please let me see the world…
Just as a child gives birth to a mother, this book gave birth to a storyteller. When I first held a copy of the book in my hands, flipped through the pages.. it…
This is the story of a beautiful mind Across the oceans you will find. He never shows but his soul is crying Every moment he is slowly dying He tries to hide his emotions Perhaps he is looking for divine…
With her shoulders drooping, she walked, each step laboured as she drifted aimlessly. Head bent forward, eyes on the ground and lost in her own world. And her world was not a pleasant place right now. “What is there for…
“When I walk on the streets, I come across so many people with frowns on their faces or with shoulders drooping. Only if there were antidotes for stress and sadness.” my niece wondered out aloud. “There is a common antidote…
‘The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong in the broken places’ ~ Ernest Hemingway I am a reconciliation of spirits. My father was a surgeon and my mother a painter and musician who played 12…