
Let’s Make This World Bipolar Day Event Count!
Let’s Make This World Bipolar Day Event Count!

Let’s Make This World Bipolar Day Event Count!

Last year on 30th March, the questions and emotions of the vast Bipolar Disorder Community in India got a voice when we conducted the First ever Public Event in India to mark World Bipolar Day. That memorable day set the tone…

A Story of a Tribe, Compassion and Bonding
A Story of a Tribe, Compassion and Bonding

A Story of a Tribe, Compassion and Bonding

Trust. Isn’t it so difficult to trust someone these days? Especially someone you do not know sufficiently well. Now you have to believe this! Strangers open up and reveal deep secrets which they wouldn’t share with their best friends or even with…

Bipolar Disorder- Demystifying a Serious Mental Illness
Bipolar Disorder- Demystifying a Serious Mental Illness

Bipolar Disorder- Demystifying a Serious Mental Illness

So many people have raised queries about Bipolar Disorder, how one could identify it and so on, that I thought a presentation would do justice to this important topic. Let us remember, 15 million Indians (60 million globally) are Bipolar…

From the Highs of Mania to Lows of Depression- Understanding Bipolar Disorder
From the Highs of Mania to Lows of Depression- Understanding Bipolar Disorder

From the Highs of Mania to Lows of Depression- Understanding Bipolar Disorder

Some of the most popular figures in modern history- Winston Churchill, Edgar Allen Poe, Beethoven, Van Gogh and Isaac Newton have been suspected to have BIPOLAR DISORDER, a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, and energy. Yet,…