One man began a journey and soon others joined him The cause was compelling, several more joined in Now, ten of them walked on a path for a common cause There was enthusiasm, there was unbridled passion! The passion got diluted, one…
The Tribe Leader
The Power Of Peer Support
Oct 10th was World Mental Health Day and we conducted a full day Peer Support Meet to mark the occasion, the first time that we had organised it for for an entire day. As it so happened, the theme of this…
A Story of a Tribe, Compassion and Bonding
Trust. Isn’t it so difficult to trust someone these days? Especially someone you do not know sufficiently well. Now you have to believe this! Strangers open up and reveal deep secrets which they wouldn’t share with their best friends or even with…
And One Day I Too Was Among The Mentally Ill
Being an introvert from childhood, I always had only one or two friends. I was teased by other children in school and the neighborhood, which made me more introvert. I became more and more engrossed in my studies. I always…
Fitness, Good Health and Me
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~ John F Kennedy Mine is a love and hate relationship with fitness and health.…
How to Overcome Work Depression with Ease
Modern people spend around a half of life at work, and we face challenges daily that can lead to work depression. Although your failures can be minor, you need to cope with depression once it appears. Believe it or not,…
Bipolar Disorder- Demystifying a Serious Mental Illness
So many people have raised queries about Bipolar Disorder, how one could identify it and so on, that I thought a presentation would do justice to this important topic. Let us remember, 15 million Indians (60 million globally) are Bipolar…
From the Highs of Mania to Lows of Depression- Understanding Bipolar Disorder
Some of the most popular figures in modern history- Winston Churchill, Edgar Allen Poe, Beethoven, Van Gogh and Isaac Newton have been suspected to have BIPOLAR DISORDER, a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in a person’s mood, and energy. Yet,…
3 Cheers to us on our 3rd Anniversary!!!
From May 23, 2013 when this community site was born, to today..what an exhilarating journey it has been!! It does appear now that it has been longer than just 36 months. The initial year had been the nursery equivalent~ a baby feeling its…
Of Mind, Body and Soul
My relationship with the world and the relationship I have with myself are interdependent. For, one fuels the other. We spend the better part of our lives trying to understand how the world works: its machinations, plans and mysteries. Only the wise…