My friend Puneet Bhatnagar (who is also a Blogger and Author) and I were at a Blogging event a month ago. On the podium was an Indian writer who had authored a series of successful Books. He spoke about his…
It Is My Self Belief That Counts
I Am Vulnerable
At the core, every human being is vulnerable. It is just that some can cope with their vulnerabilities better, others can’t. We Bipolars are particularly vulnerable when it comes to handling emotions. What might be for others a walk in…
When The Procrastination Gorilla Had Me Pinned To The Wall
Morning time is meditation time. So there I was, sitting on my low cane chair, back to the wall. I took in the view from my bedroom window- a panoramic view extending to miles ahead. The tall trees nearby contrasted…
And We Lived Happily Ever After
When Khyati and I celebrated our tenth wedding anniversary a week ago, the first thought that came to mind was how quickly time had flown by! In hindsight, smoothly too. Was it always that way? On the contrary. To…
From Torment To Fulfillment
I have already discussed in a previous post about the attitude and discipline one needs to adopt in order to overcome the menace Bipolar poses. How did I get myself out of the deep morass? To be honest in the initial…
Learn to break free
Since the past few weeks I had felt there was something amiss in my life. Despite the recovery I had made from my long years of depression, it was a feeling I could not place a finger on. My progress…
‘You have poor communication skills’, the Doctor said to me.
It was the year 2003, I had still not recovered from the Manic episode that had landed me in Hospital a few months earlier. The drugs and the initial inability to cope with Bipolar had bamboozled my mind. Extremely high…
Renewal follows turmoil
Renewal follows turmoil Change comes after much toil Whenever I have been through one my darkest phases of life, at that particular time it seems that this is the end of the world. Surely it can’t get worse than this.…
‘Normal is Boring’ Laughing away the Blues!
A few months ago had met my Psychiatrist. (Let us call him Doc hereafter). As usual, our Q & A session began.. ‘How are you feeling?’ Doc asked me. Fine, normal. He just raised his eyebrows. Well, you know, I’m…