‘Creative Mind Is Healthy Mind’ is the theme of the two month long campaign that Bloggers Alliance has chosen to celebrate its First Anniversary (falling on 7th of August) with. What a fine way to do it! BipolarIndia is excited…

‘Creative Mind Is Healthy Mind’ is the theme of the two month long campaign that Bloggers Alliance has chosen to celebrate its First Anniversary (falling on 7th of August) with. What a fine way to do it! BipolarIndia is excited…
A sullen, withdrawn child to begin with, my personality lent itself well to depression. From what I can remember, or more correctly, can now identify as depression. Genetics had charted out plans for me: my father had been afflicted by…
“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” ~ John F Kennedy Mine is a love and hate relationship with fitness and health.…
‘Health is Wealth’ it is said and rightly so. For, if you are enjoying good health (physical as well as mental), you have the capability to chase your dreams with all the energy that you require. Good body health is…
With her shoulders drooping, she walked, each step laboured as she drifted aimlessly. Head bent forward, eyes on the ground and lost in her own world. And her world was not a pleasant place right now. “What is there for…
Looking back , reminiscing.. you all would agree that we have all had our ups and downs this past year. Our own big or small trials and triumphs. But on the whole don’t you think this has been a very…
I have come a long way from being a prime contestant for the ‘Laziest Person On The Planet’ Contest during my teens. Oh yeah, I was that tardy towards attempting any exercise which could be done away with. Well,…
The decade of the blues, the lost decade..labels, merely labels. May 2003 to now. The cut off date, the life before and after, until now, cut clean by a sharp knife. As easy as that? A very simplistic view of…