From the day of its launch, 23rd of May, 2013, it has been some journey. There’s an interesting back story about the launch that I must share with you. The whole concept, initial execution and thought process behind this initiative…

From the day of its launch, 23rd of May, 2013, it has been some journey. There’s an interesting back story about the launch that I must share with you. The whole concept, initial execution and thought process behind this initiative…
From May 23, 2013 when this community site was born, to today..what an exhilarating journey it has been!! It does appear now that it has been longer than just 36 months. The initial year had been the nursery equivalent~ a baby feeling its…
This community was born exactly a decade after I was diagnosed Bipolar and hospitalised:- the day indelibly etched in my memory, May 24, 2003. There was an inner urge to share my story with millions of those afflicted, those who could do…