At the World Bipolar Day 2019 Conference, I had the joy of introducing a fine creative talent from our Peer Community. Tushar’s Book, Love At First Print, had recently been published. Incidentally, on that very day, Tushar had joined us at the Event straightaway after appearing for his last year’s last exam for MBA at Symbiosis University, Pune. It is an indication of his commitment to be with us on that momentous day that he even chose to skip his farewell party.
“A purpose is more important than a party. Your event had a purpose. That farewell was just a party” said the wise young man.
Well, I have already said that this soft spoken man is a part of our Peer Support tribe.
As for his story, I won’t play the spoiler. Watch this inspiring and riveting short film on Tushar, courtesy MyHappyTale ~
And to whet your appetite for the Book, here’s an excerpt from it.
Excerpts from his Novel (Chapter 22)
The next art exhibition was made up of neon radium lights arranged in various shapes. A large triangle was illuminated with bright yellow lights. There were concentric circles placed within, over and outside the triangle. Although all the circles were blue in colour, yet the intensity of the light increased with the radius of the loops. There were two red dots; one was placed beyond the largest circle. An orange star, inside the red dot, became more visible has one stepped closer to the installation. While the other was blinking between the last two circles. The blinking dot had an orange heart placed inside its perimeter. I could easily connect with this art piece. I moved forward to read the description provided on the standee.
I was only able to read the title of the description – Break the Triangle – when a woman, in her mid-twenties, came too close and stood before me.
“Interesting one, Don’t you agree? You create a marvel when you merge two different ideologies.” said the woman dressed in a polka dots dress with a scarf around her neck.
“My parents were psychologists, and I have a degree in mathematics. The triangle defines your limitations; even your shortcomings. It is generally constructed by others. You are the incircle, being limited by the mighty triangle. The largest circle is when you have completely overcome your limitations and transformed yourself into a circumcircle. Your desires, goals are defined by the star embedded inside the outermost red dot. To achieve them you need to shatter the triangle and your limitations.” she explained in complete details pointing out at each of the shapes, glowing with lights.
“What does that blinking red light symbolizes? The one placed a few inches before the outermost circle. Why is there a heart placed inside that one?” I asked as the red light continued to blink.
“That’s the penultimate region. It stands for those things in life which you need but cannot achieve just by breaking the triangle. For example, the love of your life.” she explained. “Could you elaborate, Alayna?” I asked with increasing curiosity.
“The person who truly loves you, shall not just love you for your strengths. They would also admire your flaws,” she concluded.
BipolarIndia wishes Tushar even more success in his creative journey.
Tushar Khurana
Love At First Print
Buy this book here
To know more about the Author and the Book,
check out Tushar’s Facebook Page
and Instagram account
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