Where I can take confident, firm strides forward When I have no doubt where I am headed toward Where stigma and ridicule have no place at all When a veil is not needed at all Where bias and prejudice have…

Where I can take confident, firm strides forward When I have no doubt where I am headed toward Where stigma and ridicule have no place at all When a veil is not needed at all Where bias and prejudice have…
Morning time is meditation time. So there I was, sitting on my low cane chair, back to the wall. I took in the view from my bedroom window- a panoramic view extending to miles ahead. The tall trees nearby contrasted…
I have already discussed in a previous post about the attitude and discipline one needs to adopt in order to overcome the menace Bipolar poses. How did I get myself out of the deep morass? To be honest in the initial…
It was the year 2003, I had still not recovered from the Manic episode that had landed me in Hospital a few months earlier. The drugs and the initial inability to cope with Bipolar had bamboozled my mind. Extremely high…