My Story Set Me Free


Oh, did I hate my scars!
I tried covering them
They sneered at me
Everyone saw through me
Hey, this wasn’t the real me
The dilemma was killing me!

Then one scar gently whispered..
“Please let me see the world
I will do you no harm
I shall keep silent, I promise you”
I dared not, or could I?
It seized the opportunity!

Hey, it wasn’t so bad was it?
In fact I looked relaxed with it.
One by one, all of them
The scars sneaked out

And then I shared my story
“Oh he just seeks glory”
The voices softened
My story got stronger

And I loved the new rhythm
The natural rhythm of life
Danced with it
Swirled in it
Gosh! It was heady!
was I going crazy?

Frankly, I couldn’t care less
For this was true bliss
We both danced merrily
Me and my story
Am proud of my scars
Proud of my story
My story set me free

So will you join me?
For the story is now greedy
Why not share yours freely?
Let’s dance this dance together
Let’s Walk Together

Dedicated to my Soul Sis, Mentor and Chief-Inspiration-Officer rolled into one, Jennifer Sertl